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Museum of Science and Technology 25 - 28th September 2018

  • Date:09/25/2018 17:00 - 09/28/2018 18:00
  • Location Skenderbegova 51, Belgrade, Srbija (Map)
  • More Info:Business entrance and parking: Dobračina 51, Belgrade Serbia


Please send us your presentation proposal as soon as possible so that we can make a more precise program.

Tuesday 25th September

  • Get together from 5.30 pm in the Museum of Science and Technology – Belgrade
  • 6.30 pm “HISTORIC RIVER VESSELS” – Opening of the ENoRM members joint panel exhibition

Exhibition will be solemnly opened by Dr Jerzy Litwin, director of the National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk and Msc Rifat Kulenović, director of the Museum of Science and Technology – Belgrade

  • 7.00 pm “DANUBE IN SERBIA – A JOURNEY THROUGH TECHNICAL MUSEUMS” – Opening of the exhibition and welcome party

Exhibition will be solemnly opened by Mrs Danijela Vanušić, assistant to the Minister of culture of the Republic of Serbia

Wednesday 26th September 

  • 9.30 - 10.00 Reception in the museum and dispersal of the meeting documents
  • 10.00 - 10.20 am

Welcome speech, Rifat Kulenović, director of the Museum of Science and Technology – Belgrade

  • “A word about our Museum”

Saša Šеpec, Museum of Science and Technology – Belgrade

  • 10.20 - 10.40 am
  • „European Network of River Museums – first five years“

Dr. Jerzy Litwin, Werner Hinsch, Dr. Bernhard Weber

  • 10.40 - 11.40 am
  • “Technical relicts of Danube shipping in antiquity“

Dr Vladimir Petrović, Institute for Balkan Studies SASA

  • “Restoration of the hull and superstructure of the monitor Sava, ex Bodrog

Branko Marjanović and Kosta Zutković, naval architects

            Questions and discussion

     Coffee break

Presentations of museums - introduction of new museums in the ENoRM network:

  • 12.00 - 12.40 am
  • Iron Gates Region Museum, Turn Severin, Romania – Doinita Mariana Chircu (?)
  • Public Water Management Enterprise Vode Vojvodine – Water Museum „Nikola Mirkov“, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia        – Ilija Galonja

Lunch break - restaurant in immediate vicinity of the museum

  • 2.30 - 4.00 pm News from “old” ENoRM member museums:
    • New Hungarian Museum of Science, Technology and Transport, Budapest 
      • Dr Gábor Zsigmond
    • National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk
      • Jadwiga Klim
    • TECHNOSEUM, Mannheim
      • MA Birte Launert
    • Elbschiffahrtsarchiv, Launeburg
      • Werner Hinsch
    • Museum of Transport, Bratislava
      • Ernest Huska
    • LWL- Industrial Museum, Waltrop
      •  Dr Arnulf Siebeneicker
  • 4.30 - 6.30 pm Guided tour to Belgrade fortress and Nebojša's tower museum exhibition (walking distance from the museum)

7.30 pm Dinner at the restaurant “Caruso”

Thursday 27th September

  • 9.30 am News from “old” ENoRM member museums - continuation of presentations:
    • Techical Museum, Vienna 
      •  Dr Wolfgang Stritzinger
    • Museum of German Inland Shipping, Duizburg
      •  Dr Bernhard Weber
  • 10.00 - 12.15 Lectures:
  • „Navigation in the roman era along the Danube between Drobeta and Ostrovul Mare“

Dr Marin Neagoe and Doinita Mariana Chircu, Iron Gates Region Museum, Turn Severin

  • Carolina, the first steam boat on the Danube“

Ernest Huska, Museum of Transport, Bratislava

  • „Life does not stop - Temporary shipping exhibitions”

Dr Gábor Zsigmond, Hungarian Museum of Science, Technology and Transport, Budapest

Coffee break

  • „Drobeta Shipyard. Past, Present, and Future“

Oana Neagoe and Mihaela Stanciulescu, Iron Gates Region Museum, Turn Severin

  • „Establishing steam navigation in the Principality of Serbia“

Msc Gordana Karović, Museum of Science and Technology, Belgrad

  • 12.15 - 1.00 pm
  • European river museums in exchange - suggested subjects for discussion:
    • Joint travelling exhibition
    • Exchange of temporary exhibitions
    • Working together on research projects
    • Digitisation and interchanging of archive-inventory
    • Possibility of interchanging of more material for researching and especially for temporary exhibitions à therefore it is necessary to present lists of inventory of possible exhibits
    • Possibility of interchanging of publications between members of ENoRM and interchange of doublets from books and other papers
    • ENoRM web page.

 Lunch break - restaurant “Gradska”

  • 2.30 pm European river museums in exchange - further discussion and conclusions of Belgrade Conference
  • 3.00 pm Future of ENoRM - planning the meeting in 2019
  • Possibility to have authors guiding through the exhibition “Danube in Serbia – a Journey Through Technical Museums” or guided visit to our department „Museum of the Serbian Medical Society“  - or both

  • 6.30 Transfer and a short tour of the old town of Zemun 

  • 8.00 pm Dinner and music at the restaurant “Reka”, Zemun

Friday 28th September

  • 9.30 am - 6.00 pm Excursion, Belgrade
    • 10.00 am Museum of Yugoslavia, guided tour
    • 12.00 am Museum of Nikola Tesla, guided tour
    • 2.00 - 6.00 pm Cruise in Danube and Sava waters around Belgrade on a historic passenger ship, with Serbian Slow food products and vine “Soul of the Danube” and “Soul of the Balkans”
  • 6.00-7.00 pm End of Belgrade ENoRM meeting

We usually spend some time on the ship after arrival to the port, so everyone will be welcomed to do so and enjoy a little bit more in the night lights and pictures of Belgrade from the water